DNA Gender Blood Testing by Sneak Peek – $129/$149

$149 Next Day Results
Gender Reveal Friendly - Results can be sent to another trusted person for you.
10% Off a return visit with the same pregnancy!
Please note: We are NOT responsible for any delays after Fedex has picked up your sample. We make sure that YOU get a tracking number for your sample.

Yay, I'm Pregnant Package - $40 Plus the cost of your DNA blood test
This ultrasound is performed on the day of your SneakPeek DNA Gender test.
Includes: 5-10 Minute 2D Ultrasound Experience
4+ black and white pictures of your itty bitty baby
Having these pictures makes your pregnancy feel REAL!
Due to the possibility of a shipping delay, we recommend waiting to plan your reveal until you have your results in hand. Click here for FAQ’s about the Sneak Peek Clinical Test .
*No discounts or coupons
Please note some holidays affect turnaround times. The Lab does not process gender blood tests on Sundays.
Due to the possibility of a shipping delay, we recommend waiting to plan your reveal until you have your results in hand. Click here for FAQ’s about the Sneak Peek Clinical Test .
*No discounts or coupons
Please note some holidays affect turnaround times. The Lab does not process gender blood tests on Sundays.
Sneak Peek Snap™ is a breakthrough blood collection innovation using tiny microneedles making collecting your sample pain free. We will collect your sample while you relax. The sample is collected in 1-4 minutes. Customers find Sneak Peek Snap to be completely painless.

- Add a plush huggable heartbeat animal of your choice - $25 sm $35 Lrg
Heartbeat Squishies $30 - 10% off a Pregnant Belly Mask Kits
- 10% off Ultrasound Picture Frames
- 10% off Gender Reveal Items, if you are surprising family & friends
- and more

Results You Can Trust
How does your blood sample become a baby boy or baby girl test result? During pregnancy, fetal DNA is released by the placenta into mom’s bloodstream. SneakPeek tests for male chromosomes in the fetal DNA found in mom’s blood. Expectant mother’s normally have only female chromosomes, so if male chromosomes are detected in the DNA of the fetus, baby is a boy. If no male chromosomes are detected in the DNA of the fetus, baby is a girl.
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